Interim Report to the CCC – Advisory Group on the Economics of Climate Risk and Adaptation
About this document
The Advisory Group on the Economics of Climate Change Risk and Adaptation (referred to in this document as the Economics Advisory Group) was set up by the Climate Change Committee (CCC) in response to a desire to build more economic evidence on the benefits of adaptation and resilience building in the UK.
The group has been specifically tasked with addressing how economics can best be used in the Fourth Climate Change Risk assessment to drive effective and efficient adaptation policy; and how economics can best be integrated into adaptation and resilience policy making, with a high level of ambition and novel thinking.
This first interim report distils the group’s initial thinking and advice to the CCC with respect to the contribution of economics to assessing the impact of Climate Risk and adaptation actions in their analysis for CCRA4-IA. This report, written by the chair, reflects the Chair’s personal perspective on the economics of climate change adaptation whilst incorporating the views of the group.
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Interim Report to the CCC – Advisory Group on the Economics of Climate Risk and Adaptation
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