Publications > Inception reports

Non-Government user needs (Ipsos)

24 November 2023


Country focus:

The aim of this research is to provide evidence on what non-Government users found useful in CCRA3-IA and what further information they would like to see in CCRA4-IA. This will inform the design of outputs for CCRA4-IA and the mechanisms for further stakeholder engagement throughout the programme.

The key findings of the project are: 

  • Users of CCRA have been identified across sectors and organisations and there is a clear appetite to engage with CCRA4-IA. 
  • Many non-Government stakeholder needs align with those of Government, such as an ask for more economic and spatial information. 
  • CCRA3-IA is considered a valuable resource, with some challenges around accessibility. Stakeholders have used CCRA3-IA to understand the risks facing them and to inform their own strategies with the sector summaries being a popular output. Accessibility challenges included the depth of content and technical language.  
  • The existing landscape of online tools for climate risk information is complex but a portal for CCRA data could be useful. Stakeholders identified a need for more signposting and streamlining across tools. Accessibility of CCRA3-IA was identified as an issue that a CCRA specific tool could address.  
  • Ten key recommendations have been made for meeting the needs of non-Government users in CCRA4-IA. These include presenting information via narrative storylines and case studies and exploring ways of working with non-Government stakeholders throughout the rest of the program. 


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